Monday, July 12, 2010

How It All Started

It only seems fitting that I begin by explaining how I first became interested in classic films. So, here goes:

All classic film fans have that special, sentimental feeling toward the star that started their love affair with old movies. The star who they first became obssessed with; wanted to see all of their movies, collected every photo you could find, spent sometimes rediculous amounts on DVDs or books, or just one item that mentioned their name. For me, that star was Jimmy Stewart.

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 9 years old, it was around Christmas time, and we were watching It's A Wonderful Life at school. That is when I realized Jimmy Stewart was the most handsome man I had ever seen (who knew I had that much taste at 9?). I would always be looking forward to Christmas because I would get to watch It's A Wonderful Life again.

About three years ago, when my obsession with classic television and Alfred Hitchcock Presents was in full swing, I decided to find more movies directed by Alfred Hitchcock. I came upon Rear Window at the local video store and thought it looked interesting. At the time, I barely knew any of the people in it, except Jimmy Stewart, whom I recognized from It's A Wonderful Life, but I remember thinking 'maybe I should branch out and start watching some old movies. These people look interesting.' Then I became really interested in classic films, especially Jimmy Stewart's movies. By summer I started watching more movies, collecting pictures from the internet, and wham! JimmyLove. He started out a as childhood crush, but the more I read about him, the more I liked him and the more I respected him as an actor.

Jimmy is still my favorite actor of all time, and I'll admit I still will spend ridiculous amounts on DVDs (Warner Archive, anyone?) since I still haven't seen all of Jimmy's movies. I'm close though, really close.

I like to reflect on what has happened for me over the years. Discovering old films was one of the greatest things to happen in my life; it added a small piece to my personality that I am proud of. Finally I had found something that can make me forget about the overtly crude content in films today. With the old films I can experience movie-making in its glowing yet somehow humble past as opposed to its aloof and cliched manner now.

- Susan

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