Monday, July 12, 2010

Lit From Within - First Post!

Hello! Welcome to Lit from Within - a new classic film blog! I'm kind of scared to write in this. It looks so shiny and clean and new.

The purpose of this blog is the discussion of old Hollywood films, as well as the actors, directors, etc. who made them! I am very excited to begin talking about these films and actors, and I hope you will get as much enjoyment out of reading what I have to say as I'm sure I will out of writing it.

Comments and contributions are highly encouraged. I love hearing what you have to say and am ecstatic to read your thoughts on the subjects I will be writing about. So please, don't be shy and feel free to chime in! :)

Right now, I have no idea who or what to write about first. I may write a movie review of one of the films I've seen recently. But I'll advise you to come back at another time when I have more interesting things to say.

Thanks for stopping by! :D

- Susan Vance

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